community Digest, Vol 11, Issue 32: Re: keyboard, please! (Wil Chung)

quixote commer at
Thu Jan 25 00:52:18 CET 2007

I think I've had a change of heart.  Ted Lemon and Joe Pfeiffer (and 
maybe others? I don't really know how to use these mailing lists well.) 
pointed out that a folding, separate keyboard could be the way to go. 
After a bit of thought, I decided they're right.  Keep the phone just 
the way it is.  For the kind of writing I do, which isn't text 
messaging, I'd be much better off with a proper keyboard.  And when I 
just want to use it as a phone, it's nice for it to be sleeker and lighter.

So, now, the request becomes: please make sure the phone interfaces with 
those nice keyboards. :-}


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