Map software and proprietary data.

Dominik Smogór dsmogor at
Thu Jan 25 08:54:46 CET 2007

Well, sure I would and probably will, but the case for maps for a frequently
traveling people with reliable coverage remains. I don't think it will
disturb my decision of buying the device, but non-geek users will rather
take mapping software for granted being advertised a gps enabled phone.
That may as well be the resellers issue.

2007/1/25, Dave Crossland <dave at>:
> On 24/01/07, Dominik Smogór <dsmogor at> wrote:
> > Is FIC in talks with some company now? I'm sure that OSS devs will put a
> > fervent effort to write/adopt a free replacement and I'm sure they (we,
> If I
> > manage to get some time off) will succeed, but it's the data that
> matters
> > and I don't know of a resource of quality data that is public domain,
> esp.
> > outside of most urbanized areas of USA/Western Europe.
> > Getting data through GPRS could be a solution, but a largely suboptimal
> one
> > from the cost standpoint.
> The software that is powering the USA/W.European public mapping
> efforts - - is free software, afaik, and
> I know of no reason why  you in your part of the world cannot join
> these efforts :-)
> I thought this animation of the european coverage growing was beautiful:
> --
> Regards,
> Dave
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