embedded system research (was: Re: request for openmoko-devel list)

Crane, Matthew mcrane03 at harris.com
Thu Jan 25 15:17:34 CET 2007

To relate this to the list, I'd say what embedded system could you
install that could provide optimal integaration and synergy with an
opensource phone.  Wi-fi, maybe a file server.  The slug provides a
great low-cost embedded platform that's easy to get..  

Maybe instead, use the OpenMoko device with a usb->svga adpater.  Sort
of a glorified docking station with the io, storage, and other extras
that could make ideal for use in an automobile. 

-----Original Message-----
From: community-bounces at lists.openmoko.org
[mailto:community-bounces at lists.openmoko.org] On Behalf Of David Ford
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 7:06 PM
Cc: OpenMoko
Subject: embedded system research (was: Re: request for openmoko-devel

really off topic ... i'm looking for a full featured embedded system to 
install in my car and truck.  i.e. run linux shell+gui onboard and have 
wifi + gsm network etc.

any recommendations for products, or pitfalls of some products for this?

thank you,

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