emulator something like greenphone vmware?

Rodolphe Ortalo rodolphe.ortalo at free.fr
Thu Jan 25 21:14:22 CET 2007

Le jeudi 25 janvier 2007 à 10:20 +0200, Denis Kot a écrit :
> Hi all
> I did searching by lists but didn't find anything about emulator, so
> my question is:
> is there will be something like emulator like greenphone has? so I
> (and others) can play with phone virtualy and make decision to buy it
> or not.

If I understood correctly, the simplest way is to use xoo (nested X11
server with surrounding decoration) and run OpenMoko applications (Intel
version) on it.

> of course it will not have full functionality, but at least I can view
> at interface, menu and maybe some onboard software :)

As the OpenMoko source code will be available, we can expect that such
an emulator would have nearly all the functionality (except true GPS and
GSM functionality of course) and that you can compile it yourself. (I
hope I will not stand corrected...)


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