intelligent (system-wide) profile switching. gestures and events (Was: Re: Why not switching automaticaly? Re: Gesture command)

Robert Michel openmoko at
Thu Jan 25 22:42:13 CET 2007

Salve Declan!

Maybe is a general system-wide profile switching not intelligent
enough? Of course it will be usefull but maybe there will be more

Declan Naughton schrieb am Donnerstag, den 25. Januar 2007 um 20:58h:

> Reading this, a potentially handy feature hit me, so I'm letting it out.
> We should (and we probably will/do.. my nokia 6310 or whatever it is
> does, like pretty much all nokias, and all phones) support multiple,

Just a system-wide profile is working, but not so flexible...

People you will have a date with in the next our could automaticaly
become a higher importance....

The Screen has 480x640 pixel - good enough for how many pictures 
with names? So there is no need to stay on the low level of a nokia 6310.

> Also, events should be triggerable between/at specific times, and when
> the GPS system notices you've entered/are in a certain area... a 250m
> radius around my school, say, where I'd like to phone to stay on
> silent.

Consider the chance of a voice menue and answering machine - when you
select that your are busy your selection or your calendar can be used
for a smart voice meneu "Hello this is Declan, I'm busy - leave a
message with informations and questions and will care about this in
the next 2 hours - only if it can't wait, press 2."

So there will be no binare black/white solution, more will be possible

So we will play with new posibilities:
- VGA coulored touchscreen
- open source
- big creative community
- no filter of a marketing department
- no filter of network provider

Also the list of missed calls
	Rob 104 times 20:58h
damm how was this counter this afternoon, 103 or 94?
Did he called now one or 10 times?

And much more on normal phones is unsmart.

We will have much fun and I'm convinced that looking on 
existing phones will not give us so much creativity like
looking on what will be possible withe OpenMoko/Neo1973
and what did I hate most, what did I wish...
what will be smart....
And sharing our ideas - reading the ideas and seeing/using the solution
from others will create new ideas.... it will outperform existing
phone solutions :)) will be a good tool to play on the Neo1973 with new
ideas how to manage calls....

We will have much fun, for shure! ;)


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