Free This Mailing List! (was Re: GNU discussion (was re:Free your phone))

Marcel de Jong mdejong at
Fri Jan 26 00:55:39 CET 2007

I think we've heard the viewpoints of both sides...

In my humble opinion, this whole discussion (while it showed some good
viewpoints on both sides) is a bit premature. We haven't seen any
documentation from the Openmoko team that suggests that they use one
notation or the other.
As Sean already stated; they will acknowledge the importance of GNU;
how they do that is their decision. So please, let this discussion

Marcel de Jong

On 1/25/07, Renaissance Man <renaissanceman at> wrote:
> Are you denying that you lied about people "making demands"? No one has made
> any "demands." It is not a personal attack to point out that this is a bald
> faced lie.
> It appears farcical that you keep adding to this thread while complaining
> that it is being continued. If you don't like the discussion, stay out of
> it. But I understand why you want to drag the discussion into the gutter;
> you can't argue your point of view rationally so you attempt to drag the
> discussion down, accuse your opponents of "religious fervour," and then
> declare the discussion silly and over.
> Renaissance Man
> On 25 Jan 2007, at 9:32 pm, David Schlesinger wrote:
>  >It might help things if you didn't continue to make bald face lies David.
>  Not as much it would "help things" if you'd stop behaving like a
> four-year-old, and stop wasting everyone's time with exactly the sort of
> "personal attacks" you were whining about just a couple of days ago. You
> (still) seem to be the one who's most guilty of making them.
>  Consistency isn't your strong suit, is it?
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