dialer interface questions

Richi Plana myopenmoko at richip.dhs.org
Fri Jan 26 07:44:16 CET 2007

I don't mean to toot my own horn (up till June of 2006, I worked for Zi
Corporation as a developer), but you should really check out Qix
<http://www.zicorp.com/Qix.htm>. Unfortunately, most of that stuff is
likely patented. I'm not even sure how I can go about developing for
OpenMoko since I worked as an embedded software engineer at Zi.

At any rate, Qix is fantastic. I'd rather not talk about it (since I
might mention something not official), but do go read about it on their
web site and discuss how we could come up with a better interface that
doesn't violate their patent.

On Thu, 2007-01-25 at 23:28 -0700, Jeff Andros wrote:
> something I've been wondering about for a long time, but haven't
> asked:
> in the interface shots, it looks like the phone is looking up contacts
> as you type... or maybe it's just showing a list of recent/common
> contacts.  if it's just showing a list of recent/favorite contacts,
> that's cool, we can change it after the release, but it would be
> pretty sweet if the phone could look up people as you type via some
> kind of lookup method(T9/start dialing a number that's stored in the
> phonebook/call lists and it completes it/other ideas that I haven't
> come up with).  in other words, whether you want a phone number you
> have memorized or a person's name via T9/multipress you just start
> typing and the list below starts getting pared down 
> my other thought is to enable the dialer to look up a phone number via
> internet directories... I understand you can't make a data and a voice
> call at the same time, but it would be nice sometimes to see that it's
> some business calling... or to have the name of a previous caller
> filled in after the call (wouldn't have to go "who was 602-555-8956 on
> monday at 12:00?"). 
> I'll put these up on the wiki, but I wanted to know if there was any
> feedback on this.
> anyways, not trying to contribute to the noise, but those have been
> kind of sizzling on the back burner for a while now, wanted to get
> them off before they burned (because that really stinks up the place) 


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