Will the OSDL/MLI have a yearly report as well? Re: LiMo foundation

Sean Moss-Pultz sean_mosko at fic.com.tw
Fri Jan 26 18:51:54 CET 2007

On 1/27/07 12:57 AM, "David Schlesinger" <David.Schlesinger at palmsource.com>

>> Linux Organisation membership and organisation politics is not my
>> business, but from the linux-user point of view it is a little
>> confusing that OpenMoko/Neo1973 isn't mentioned here:
>> http://old.linux-foundation.org/lab_activities/mobile_linux/mli
> Not too confusing. It's not a recent page, and the information on there was
> provided by members (of which FIC is not currently one, although we've invited
> them to participate...)

Please don't take this a meaning anything other than we have zero free time


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