GNU discussion (was re:Free your phone)

Gabriel Ambuehl gabriel_ambuehl at
Sat Jan 27 13:23:10 CET 2007

On Saturday 27 January 2007 12:23:52 Dave Crossland wrote:
> > And besides, the BSDL predates the GPLv1 by a decade.
> This is simply untrue.
> I have done some research on this:
> "In 1989 the "Networking Tape 1" was released; this was the first time
> that BSD UNIX code was available to anyone without a very expensive
> proprietary license from AT&T."

That does in no way proof me wrong. Before that, there was always some AT&T 
code in BSD, so it wasn't completely BSDL and couldnt not be used without 
permission from AT&T. THat doesn't say the BSDL didnt exist.
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