about those new lists . . .

Corey corey at bitworthy.net
Sun Jan 28 10:21:56 CET 2007


On Saturday 27 January 2007 14:04, Pius A. Uzamere II wrote:
> So, Sean, can you create some sublists now? (e.g. openmoko-dev,
> openmoko-freedom)  People have floated the idea quite a bit, but this isn't
> a float . . . this is a direct request from a relatively new member of the
> community.
> While I do believe that the issues of freedom and licensing are germane to
> the community, I'm truly concerned that we're getting to a point where
> people who should be working together to make this project one of the
> greatest achievements in open source history are instead alienating other
> contributors with inane bickering.
> All due respect to the people who've been arguing these (seriously) very
> important issues, but do you really think that a 3-5 e-mail rebuttal
> sequence about the respective creation dates of the BSD and GNU licenses is
> helping the community?  Even if you do, surely you'd agree that it'd be
> useful to take such detailed discussions about licensing to some other
> non-general area.
> Anyway, PLEASE let's create some sublists so that we don't screw up
> something with the potential to make a real impact.
> Here's hoping someone's listening,
> Pius

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