Q: desktop software?

Robert Michel openmoko at robertmichel.de
Mon Jan 29 00:11:59 CET 2007

Salve Oleg!

On Sat, 27 Jan 2007, Oleg L. Sverdlov wrote:

> What software is planned on desktop side? If any.

I would like to use FreeNX to use the Neo1973 from
a Workstation, and to have video projctor presentation
live from a Neo1973.

Then a full emulation to use the full Neo1973 power
(beside the touchscreen) on a workstation as well.

Very cool would be an emulation via web with java,
(maybe with FreeNX again) without any local installation.
(in this case with an own server running the emulation)

So when the Neo1973 would get lost, lay at home/in the car
only access to any (trustworthy) workstation would be ok
to use the Neo1973.

Mabye emulation including doing calls via Voip....

Then do I think that client/server solution would become
more important then device/desktop software one, even for
normal user.

So before starting a seperate desktop software, my quetion
is, what more then standard desktop software would be thinkable?


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