Possibilities for commercial software?

David Schlesinger David.Schlesinger at palmsource.com
Mon Jan 29 14:55:39 CET 2007

On 1/29/07 4:49 AM, "Dave Crossland" <dave at lab6.com> wrote:
> On 29/01/07, Ken Wong <ken at exoweb.net> wrote:
>> For me, the attraction of the
>> OM phone is the functionality that I can build on it, not that it's
>> only loaded with 100% Free Software.
> If you make what you build available to the public, will they be able
> to build on that functionality?
> If not, isn't something contradictory going on?

If I give you a DVD player as a gift, shouldn't that mean that you can then
go into stores and take all the free DVDs you want to play on it...?

If not, isn't something contradictory going on?

(Obviously not.)

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