DBus for Generic Data Access Methods?

Jim McDonald Jim at mcdee.net
Tue Jan 30 11:58:00 CET 2007

Marcel Holtmann wrote:


Okay so there has been a fair amount of discussion here but I think 
we've veered off track a bit.  To try to re-phrase my thoughts:

   - Current DBus object paths are application-centric (this is by 
choice of the application)
   - Without a well-known set of paths it is hard new applications, 
especially small modular ones, to work easily as they don't know where 
to plug in to the rest of the system (this is broadly equivalent to 
having sketchy information on an API)
   - There seem to be two options (ignoring the uninteresting ones):
      - take a combination of the existing application-centric paths and 
make it available somewhere as a reference guide
      - create a new set of paths which form an OpenMoko standard and 
are adhered to by all (friendly) apps that run on OpenMoko

I would hope that most people would agree with the first two points, in 
which case the question is which of the two options in the third point 
makes more sense.  I believe that the second option is the right way to 
go because it allows us to build a logical framework rather than an 
application-centric one and that allows far more flexibility both 
initially and down the line.  It does mean that someone needs to create 
and manage that framework, but that could be a community effort and not 
particularly taxing, at least for a first cut.


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