[moved to openmoko-community]Re: Translators needed?

Robert Michel openmoko at robertmichel.de
Wed Jan 31 15:41:13 CET 2007

Salve Jose!

On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Jose Manrique Lopez de la Fuente wrote:

> And me could help in Spanish translation, but I suppose it's being done by 
> FIC.

I don't think so - FIC is just paing Sean, Mikey, Harald...
to do the SDK - so cool aplication must we crosscompile
or just programm and the documentation would be also "our"
community part.
But worry about "how much work this will be" - 
one programming philosopy is:

   "divide et impera" = "Divide and govern"

but OpenMoko is not about govern, nor does this the wikipedia.
The project itself is community driven - translation by FIC
would be slow and inefficent like the nuepedia

Making participation as easy as possible will make it easy
that many people are cooperate with translation.

The wikipedia is on stepp further than the GNU/Linux manpages.
Like "Translation a full manpage? I do understand only 50% of the 
      features... and I should be reponsable for the whole translation?"

I'm very optimistic that a cooperation with wikis as tool,
maybe an openmoko-wikionary will be more efficient and more
easy to join than cooperation work some years ago.


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