Any alternative ideas to fullscreen popup-messages?

Ortwin Regel ortwin at
Wed Jan 31 18:52:35 CET 2007

Firefox, Azureus and Trillian let small messages pop up in the lower
right hand corner of my screen all the time, notifying me of important
and not so important events. The Neo1973 has a 640*480 pixel screen so
a similar thing should work quite well on it. Use clear symbols
(attention, message, call, ...), color codes and an intelligent
priority system (low battery should not be replaced by new SMS within
a fracture of a second) and you've got a win. Maybe make messages
stckable and you have to touch one to make it disappear and make the
next one appear. When the area where these appear is standardized,
it's easy to avoid them overlapping important controlls/displays.
Popups could have multiple buttons (well, more like touch areas to
make them as big as possible for easy finger touching), for example
deny, answer, close message (and let the phone ring) or in the battery
warning case go to standby, shutdown, close message (and leave the
phone switched on).

On 1/31/07, Robert Michel <openmoko at> wrote:
> Salve!
> PC, webbrowser or mobil phone - hate popup messages,
> while doing something they are overlapping what I was
> doing/reading...
> -battery is low
> -incomming SMS/Call
> -alarm clock
> -keylock
> it would be nice when the message wouldn't be
> full sice, wouln't be on highest level so I can
> finish my sms/email todo entry... and answer the
> phone then...
> Transparent windows would help and maybe when every
> window have two sizes - full and reduced so that
> the big screen 480x640 have space for system message
> without naging...
> Does you¹ have ideas how this could look like?
> Greetings,
> rob
> ¹should be clear that I mean everybody here on the
>  list ;)
> PS: I missed to add in my mails with mentioned
>     that it is __great__ that some people started to
>     write about OpenMoko :)))
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