DBus for Generic Data Access Methods?

Marcel Holtmann marcel at holtmann.org
Wed Jan 31 20:06:12 CET 2007

Hi Richi,

> > You do know that the object path is specific to the daemon that provides
> > it anyway. The access to a method or signal of an interface is done via
> > the unique bus name _and_ the object path.
> > 
> > This means that daemon A can register /org/foo and daemon B can
> > register /org/foo and both are different and independent, because daemon
> > A and daemon B doesn't have the same unique bus name. You can even have
> > a different set of interfaces on each of these two paths.
> I think a nice analogy to how DBus works is the TCP/IP network as used
> on the Internet. A process is like a server on the Internet and is
> assigned a unique IP address (dealing with simplest case here; no NAT,
> etc.) and fully qualified domain names (bus names) can be mapped to IP
> addresses. For each service available on each machine, a well-known port
> (DBus object path) is assigned. By convention, certain protocols (DBus
> interfaces) are assigned to each well-known port (/etc/services gives a
> good summary).

the big exception is that you will be able to run more than one protocol
(D-Bus interface) on one port (D-Bus object path).

Otherwise the analogy is fully valid. Thanks.



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