Custom case designs...

Tim Newsom cephdon at
Tue Jul 3 21:15:42 CEST 2007

On Tue, 3 Jul 2007 12:07, Matthew S. Hamrick wrote:
> Oh... but doesn't PETN have some issues with long-term durability  when 
> exposed to UV?
> On Jul 3, 2007, at 11:04 AM, Jeffrey Thomas wrote:
>>> Clear soda bottles are fairly strong and not nearly as brittle as  some
>>> other clear plastics.
>> True enough, and i stand corrected.  Their flexibility may even be  a 
>> benefit -- i drop my current phone often enough and it survives;  i 
>> would hope for something similar on my Neo when I get it.  Maybe  some 
>> of the extra space (and a flexible plastic) could help to  cushion the 
>> device during impact from a fall.

Exactly how long term are you talking about?
Normal usage probably won't have the case constantly exposed. Plus, 
assuming the case does get some kind of issue after some year of 
exposure.  You have probably dropped it, scratched it up in some way and 
if its cheap enough, get a new one.. Recycle the old or what not.

Personally, I have never tested what happens after a soda bottle is 
exposed to sunlight for very long periods of time. I have had experience 
where they have been exposed to sunlight for days and I do not remember 
any change in durability or coloration etc.

Maybe someone with real knowledge can tell us the limits of exposure / 
usage for it?

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