Tutorials, HowTo's, etc

Mark Rossman marossma at oakland.edu
Tue Jul 10 17:55:11 CEST 2007

I completely understand not being able to buy two Neos.  You should go
to wiki.openmoko.org and look up MokoMakefile.  It will allow you to
build an qemu image to run the phone software on the desktop.  As far
as documents and how-to's go, most of us don't  have a phone yet, but
once we do more information should be available.  In the mean time
since your not a native english speaker you might consider helping to
translate to your native language, whatever that may be.

On 7/10/07, ramsesoriginal <ramsesoriginal at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> I really love this project, but since (as most of us here, i imagine) i'm
> only a "simple" student, i can't afford to buy two Neos. So i will wait 'til
> october. But I would like to have some possibility to develope something in
> the meantime. Since this is all  open source, i imagined to find thousands
> of tutorials, howtos, step-by-step-descriptions, and so on. But the only
> thing i found is a "look at gtk"-sort of thing. Not onyl there aren't any
> Developer tutorials (on how to create something), but even there aren't any
> descriptions of how to "use" what's inside the phone right now.
> If somebody has any help on how to start programming some (simple) apps for
> the OpenMoko, without having a FIC at my disposal, i would be pleased to let
> my creativity flow.
> p.s. maybe i could also write some tutorials, or translate existing ones..
> but i must have "THE KNOWLEDGE" to do so.
> best regards, Stefan Insam
> p.p.s. Sorry for my bad english.. I'm not a native speaker.
> --
> My corner of the web: http://ramsesoriginal.wordpress.com
>  My dream, my world: http://abenu.wordpress.com
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