Again: Advertising thoughts

Giles Jones giles.jones at
Sat Jul 14 14:52:20 CEST 2007

On 14 Jul 2007, at 13:29, Edwin Lock wrote:

> But you shouldn't forget the people who aren't so technical and still
> want to have a phone that can do a lot, there are loads running around
> with win mobile phones.
> They won't be attracted by the ads showing how they can be freed,
> cause they won't care if they are free or not, they just want to be
> able to use the thing.
> So maybe some ads could also just show how very easy the neo is to  
> work with ;)
> Just my thoughts..

I understand where you are coming from. When designing mobile  
interfaces it's not good enough to simply try to cut down the WIMP to  
fit in a phone. Both Symbian and Windows Mobile both borrow from the  
desktop. It would be nice if we can think outside the box and think  
about what is easy to use. Too many touch screen devices don't use  
screen space well. Make the buttons large and you can use your fingers.

If you minimise the time using the stylus then you eliminate a huge  
section of the public who don't want to use a stylus (yes I know the  
Nintendo DS has one and has sold 40 million ;)). I would say the main  
reason for using the stylus is drawing lines.

Using fingers to touch is less precise, but you could have an  
interface that zooms, touch and hold an area to zoom that area, you  
can then touch more accurately the item you want. Would be possible  
with the additional 3D hardware in the consumer hardware.


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