this phone, with WiFi

Mikko Rauhala mjrauhal at
Mon Jul 16 11:11:08 CEST 2007

su, 2007-07-15 kello 20:22 -0700, Doug Jones kirjoitti:
> Anyway, figuring out how to power an external WiFi adapter isn't the 
> main issue.  The question is, is it worth the time to monkey around with 
> WiFi drivers for hardware that isn't going into the final product, just 
> so we can test WiFi apps before the proper hardware is available?

Drivers should be trivial if you pick the right adapter; at least you
need to tinker with cables to get the power-feed together. So yes, if
one is motivated to develop spesifically WiFi stuff at this point, it
shouldn't be too much of a bother.

Mikko Rauhala   - mjr at     - <URL:>
Transhumanist   - WTA member     - <URL:>
Singularitarian - SIAI supporter - <URL:>

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