projects of interest?

Who mailforwho at
Wed Jul 18 04:11:41 CEST 2007

On 7/17/07, Daniel Robinson <dgrobinson at> wrote:
> What are the projects of interest for people?

For me it's all about the fact I've NEVER found a device that could
approach my Psion for functionality! Hopefully with OM I will get

I'm dreaming of being able to fit a keyboard (perhaps an old one from
my Psion) and make a real Psion-like device - with some proper
software - a really small rtf editor, mini excel, the like - and (the
only thing the Psion lacked) mobile email and browsing! Part of me
wants to put the OM inside and old Psion case - but I think that might
just be more trouble than it's worth!

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