price politics for hardware updates post-phase-1/2

Marc-Olivier Barre mobarre at
Wed Jul 18 10:16:57 CEST 2007

On 7/17/07, Marco Barreno <barreno at> wrote:
> By the way, I was one of the people who posted to an earlier thread
> hoping for a board-only option in October, thinking it could be a sort
> of inexpensive hardware upgrade like you want.  After more thought,
> however, it doesn't seem practical to me: the board is where most of
> the development/production cost goes, so ordering it without the
> screen/battery/case/etc. will save a bit but probably not even close
> to half the phone price.  I'm just going to wait for phase 2 and buy
> my phone then.  In the future, I guess I'll have to buy a new version
> if one comes out that I can't do without!
> Marco


I was one of those guys too... Until I discovered I could use qemu to
emulate the device. Then I came to the same conclusion as you. I'll do
my dev work on the emulator till october. Moreover, I will need wifi
for my project. No point in buying it right now for me.

Marc-Olivier Barre.

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