
Jeff Andros jeff at bigredtj.com
Wed Jul 18 22:48:42 CEST 2007

it might be worth while to have no other notification except a script fired
off when the call comes in (think SVN hooks)  It would allow you to
customize logging(fork off a call log script), and make it really easy for
other applications to provide call-based services (I.E. if the call is not
answered in 30 seconds, and wifi is available, attempt to run as a voip
gateway and route the call to your [desktop|server|voip answering machine
service]). oh yeah, and it might pull up some kind of audio player so you
can hear it ring


On 7/18/07, Giles Jones <giles.jones at zen.co.uk> wrote:
> On 18 Jul 2007, at 21:11, Kero van Gelder wrote:
> >> gtones can't be an application. So long
> >> as the app starts and ends fast.
> >
> > "application" ?
> >
> > some playing daemon that listens on dbus?
> No, I mean any music or sound generating application that can be
> invoked and stopped using the command line.
> A mod player, sid player, random sound generating command.
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