Hooks in Base Code
Jeff Andros
jeff at bigredtj.com
Thu Jul 19 01:45:33 CEST 2007
On 7/18/07, Kero van Gelder <kero at chello.nl> wrote:
> Now, depending on circumstances, your Social Other, a parent or child who
> needs
> to see a doctor, your bank/mortgage or person that arranges something big
> for
> you may need to drag you out of your meeting. Some or most meetings.
> Probably
> not all (discussing a raise with your boss, perhaps?)
> 1) How would you put that
> in an engine? Where does all the relevant info come from?
> 2) Then build aan interface to allow an end-user to create such rules.
> 3) And finally do something trivial with dbus,
> commandline (or even XML...) to play the appropriate ringtone. and show
> an Pickup/Cancel pair of buttons.
> > I know that the Home page on Windows Mobile Smartphone edition is just
> an
> > XML file which can contain links to plugins.
> That's the easy part, really...
> Bye,
> Kero.
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there was some talk about this back in january or so... it got even more
involved than that: if the addressbook says I'm supposed to be sleeping, but
the lights are on (maybe later we'll have an ambient light sensor) there's
lots of noise, the GPS shows I'm at a club, and the accelerometers detect
movement (those are going to be so cool) I'm probably not sleeping, go
ahead and ring (is it too tacky to list attendees for "sleeping" maybe you
don't want it to ring, but anyways)
the talk kind of centered around a nodeset somewhere in the filesystem, but
from what I've seen on dbus that might be a better solution. basically, you
create a group of modules, each of which is queried for a result... then
each contact is matched against a set of rules based on the set of results.
on call importance, you can also list call frequency for the contact (I.E.
if john calls me 3 times in 5 minutes, it's probably something important...
ring on the third attempt)
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