Possible App - Security

Henryk Plötz henryk at openmoko.org
Thu Jul 19 20:08:52 CEST 2007


Am Wed, 18 Jul 2007 10:36:56 +0100 schrieb COMINT:

> I'm interested in putting together an encryption app to allow secure
> voice calls over the GSM data call facility.

The main problem that you're facing when you want to do voice encryption
using the GSM data facility is not the encryption part: there are good
and working libraries and examples available so that this is almost
straight forward (if you need an inspiration just look at
cryptophone.de). Encryption and key handshake are solved problems,
especially if you have a device as powerful as the Neo. Your actual
problem will be finding a voice codec that you can use in spite of the
ridiculously low bandwidth of GSM data calls.

Henryk Plötz
Grüße aus Berlin
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