Significant Numbers of Non-Developers?

Vincent imnotb at
Fri Jul 20 11:48:26 CEST 2007

On 20/07/07, Jeff Rush <jeff at> wrote:
> I've been reading the archives of the various OpenMoko lists and I've
> noticed
> a significant number of people who admit they are not programmers at all,
> or
> that this is their first exposure to Linux.
> I'm curious what a non-programmer is going to do with this device in the
> next
> few months.  And if your first use of Linux is on the device itself, and
> you
> run Windows on your desktop, how you're going to grow your Linux skills
> and
> effectively develop applications.  Just seems odd to me, but maybe I'm
> overlooking something. ;-)

Well, I'm not an OpenMoko developer, but I just find it very interesting to
follow this list, and be amazed by all the talent that has gathered around
this project :D

Plus, I don't think a lot of non-developers ordered a Neo yet (I didn't) so
there's not that much to do.

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