Geek holsters

Jeff Andros jeff at
Fri Jul 20 20:23:38 CEST 2007

On 7/20/07, Ewan Oughton <ewan at> wrote:
> Hi,
>         Has there been any research into any geek holsters that would fit
> the moko?
> Thanks
> Ewan
> Ewan Oughton B.Sc. Comp Sys
> DB / AnonFTP / Orac Root Admin SkyNet
well... according to the site there's a simple pouch provided:
you're probably talking about something more substantial though... I'd think
you've got to stick with generic holsters for the time being

PS... remember that openmoko is just a software distro... I'm assuming your
asking about the NEO1973 (Yeah, it's a pretty rough-to-say designation)
Jeff "not a fan of the bat-belt" Andros
Go Devils!!
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