
Adam Krikstone krikstone at
Fri Jul 20 20:31:56 CEST 2007

It was an example.  Just replace US with <insert your country here>.

Raphaël Jacquot wrote:
> Adam Krikstone wrote:
>> Make it simple and relate value to the consumer.  Nothing really new.
>> Design a stable openmoko platform with a aGPS application that geocodes
>> a cached US map from an SD card.  Show them what that can do for them in
>> a course of a day.  Then tell them the GPS is free and will always be
>> free.  You should have no problem selling units and you don't have to
>> explain openmoko.  If people are still hesitant, show them the
>> application and formats supported that are available through the
>> community that would relate to their use.
> bleh, why limit this to the US when most of the map of the UK is
> available for free at ?

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