Hooks in Base Code

Jim McDonald Jim at devzero.net
Sat Jul 21 15:39:42 CEST 2007

Hans L wrote:
> Hey folks,
> Great discussion going on here.  I've been putting a lot of thought
> into the issue too, so I  figured I'd add my two cents.

Yep this is very similar to what I'm thinking of.  Given that we're all
pretty close to what we think we need it's probably time to put
something on the Wiki.  I've put an initial page at
http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Wishlist:Extension_Framework so if people
can make any additions that they wish there it would be easier to track
and get us to the stage where we can get the buy-in of the openmoko team
and start laying down some code.

There are a few things that you mentioned here that I haven't yet
covered in the Wiki such as profiles, use of the configuration GUI and
the like so if you want to flesh them out on that page it would be much


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