Marketing... aGPS uses

Torfinn Ingolfsen tingox at
Sat Jul 21 18:24:37 CEST 2007


On 7/21/07, Krzysztof Kajkowski <cayco at> wrote:
> Hi! That's a wonderful list you made! I have one doubt though - how
> well would that AGPS chip work, especially in buildings. I have Garmin
> GPS which does not get signal reception if anything is between it and
> GPS satellite so it does not work in my appartment or shows locations
> with massive error.
> Does anyone tested AGPS yet?

Not tested, but I read on a Norwegian mobile phone news site about
someone with a Nokia phone with GPS. Recently Nokia had enabled the
AGPS functionality in the phone through a software update, and after
that this person was able to get a GPS fix inside his apartment.
Before (without AGPS) he hadn't been able to get a fix inside at all.
I guess it depends on the hardware.

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