OK, the forum is coming..

David Pottage david at electric-spoon.com
Sat Jul 21 18:54:45 CEST 2007

On Saturday 21 July 2007, Valerio Bruno wrote:
> i'm tired to read discussion about forum is good or bad.
> i think is good:
> - can be a central point for new users (users NOT developers)
> - following a thread in a forum it's a lot simpler
> - it can have email notification for reply
> - could be a central point for developers too!
> - other motivations said by other people..
> So i'm going to create a forum.
Three cheers for that man.

I definitely think a forum is a good idea. I have been a list subscriber for 
the past 6 months or so, and just recently the traffic has got rather high. I 
shudder to think what it would be like in November with thousands of newbies 
out there asking questions.

I don't think we should close the list or the Wiki, just divert some of the 
newbee questions, and discussons of soft issues like advertising away from 
the list. Forums are also good because you can easily add links & embedded 

Rather than having lots of stickys in each sub forum, I think it would be 
better to move HOW-TOs, FAQs etc to the Wiki, and then just have one sticky 
with links to them.

> Now, i can set up the forum but i'd need people who want to moderate,
> and some graphics suggestions.

I don't mind being a moderator. I won't have time to moderate all the time 

> Do you prefer phpBB or Invision ? personally i prefer the former.

Personally I am familiar with phpBB, but not Invision, so that would be my 

David Pottage

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