app idea

Jeff Andros jeff at
Tue Jul 24 02:28:47 CEST 2007

On 7/23/07, Nkoli <coomac at> wrote:
> On 7/23/07, Jeff Andros <jeff at<>>
> wrote:
> >
> > there are quite a few people out there who are ringtone fanatics
> > (personally, I can't understand paying 3.99 for a 30 second song clip...
> >
> I'm with you 100% here.
> An app that allows users to make their own ringtones for shareage would be
> great. Throw in the ability to use a full length song stored on the phone,
> the option of offsetting the beginning of the song to n seconds and the
> ability to share that 30 sec clip with friends who wish they had a Neo (
> :-P) and you've got a killer app.
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well, um, I just had a thought on this too... I don't know about other
places, but in the US the telco operators make a sizeable chunk of change on
ringtones, if this functionality is straight out of the box, the chances
that we're going to get picked up by a major operator just hit nil (I'm
having nightmare visions of crippled neos being offered) maybe, for the good
of the project, this should be developed outside of the openmoko project...
Once the phone gets picked up by operators, then we can go big with this
feature (yeah, I think it could be a killer app for a phone as long as the
interface to create a ringtone rocks(joe and suzy consumer aren't going to
want to deal with frequency/duration data))

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