building openmoko devel image

Henryk Plötz henryk at
Tue Jul 24 06:25:17 CEST 2007


Am Mon, 23 Jul 2007 23:11:32 -0400 schrieb Charles Lohr:

> moko at localhost ~ $ jar cf
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: cf
> moko at localhost ~ $ jar -cf
> Unrecognized option: -cf
> Could not create the Java virtual machine.
> :-/

Which are _exactly_ the responses you'd get when calling "java" (the
virtual machine) instead of "jar" (the java archive tool). You can
confirm this by calling jar -version: The real jar will say "Illegal
option: e", while java will print out its version identification.

Please look at both
as one of these tools is what run-java-tool is going to run.

Henryk Plötz
Grüße aus Berlin
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