OK, the forum is coming..
kent at songbird.com
kent at songbird.com
Tue Jul 24 21:40:58 CEST 2007
On Tue, Jul 24, 2007 at 02:07:03PM -0500, Jonathon Suggs wrote:
> The bottom line is that mailing lists are not an acceptable means of
> communicating with technical novices. AGAIN, we are not talking about
> discontinuing the development list (that is/should be used by
> *developers*). We are talking about Joe and Jane Sixpack, people that
> don't understand the term MUA, people that would be HORRIFIED if they
> started getting 70-80 email in a day, people who *don't* use email for
> project collaboration or searching for answers. *THAT* is the reason
> that we are requesting a forum. Not for me, and certainly not for you
> (again, the collective you) that look down upon anyone who can't figure
> out how to setup email filters, conversation threading, and whatever
> else is required to make mailing lists be the more efficient means of
> communicating. Get off your technical superiority high horse and
> realize WHY we are requesting this...for improved communication with
> those who are less technically savvy.
> Sorry for the rant, but the arrogance and snobbery are killing me in
> this discussion if you can't tell...
Not arrogance or snobbery -- different view of reality.
At this point, openmoko *is* a development project. It's emphatically not
for Joe and Jane -- it says so on the web site, where you order your phone.
There are disclaimers all over the place. It's not even for early adopters
-- it's for hackers and developers. Explicitly.
It is devoutly to be hoped that someday there will be a need for a forum for
Joe and Jane. But as a real concern that's at *least* 6 months away. More
realistically, it will be a year before there is a unit that will be robust
enough for Joe and Jane.
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