Why you won't find me in the forum much

Robin Paulson robin.paulson at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 01:11:21 CEST 2007

On 7/26/07, Mathew Davis <someoneinjapan at gmail.com> wrote:
> > So there is still no forum solution that I know of that allows me to
> > download the full content of all posts I haven't read yet, and read them
> > on a random small device (e.g. a Treo650, or a Nokia N800, or a Sharp
> > Zaurus) that supports offline email reading and replying.
> Sounds like a good nitch to hit.  I would be interested in a program like
> that I wonder what it would take to make one?

a browser extension based on google gears would be ideal for this. the
extension could pull all new messages, based on date of last
synchronisation, whenever an internet connection is detected and set
read/unread flag

it could be compatible with a huge number of forums/BBs quite easily,
as most seem to be based on one of a few packages - phpbb,
quicksilver, etc, - which will have identical syntax for logging on,
accessing read/unread flags, etc.

options would be available to, for example, not download
pictures/other attachments, depending on the speed/cost of the users
internet connection

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