Neo1973/OpenMoko as a laptop replacement

Thomas Gstädtner thomas at
Fri Nov 16 17:43:10 CET 2007

I really like your idea. I also think that GTA02 will have enough power for
a small notebook-replacement for a bit hacking, writing or something like
If the lens would be mounted correctly I think this would be really cool.
On software-side this could be done with using a new profile (like: Loud,
Silent, Offline/Flight-Mode), named Laptop-Mode or so.
This profile could switch from the matchbox-gtk-GUI to a full windowmanager
in landscape-mode, let's say e17, which is running fine :)

On 11/15/07, Erland Lewin <erland at> wrote:
> Please let me bounce an idea off the list...
> Given that the Neo1973 has similar processing power and screen
> resolution to what desktop machines had not too long ago, I think it
> would be cool if the user interface had a 'mode' where the Neo could
> work as a laptop replacement.
> I imagine a kit the size of a regular book for the Neo containing a
> fresnel lens with a frame for attaching to the phone, a foldable
> keyboard, a small mouse, and a battery pack loadable with, say, 2
> regular 'C' size batteries. The keyboard and mouse could be either
> Bluetooth for wireless convenience or USB for use on airplanes. The kit
> could be carried separately from the phone when you anticipate wanting
> but not having access to a computer.
> The fresnel lens would be mounted about 10-20cm in front of the Neo (in
> landscape orientation), and magnify the 2.8" 283 DPI screen to, say, an
> 8.5" 94 dpi or an 11.3" 71 dpi screen image. This would suit the Neo's
> high DPI screen well.
> The battery pack would allow the Neo to run for six times longer than
> the built in battery, so it would last for the longest flights.
> The Neo could run both as an X server thin client for 'heavy'
> applications run on a server over WiFi (or VNC), and host some local
> applications (simple office suite, games, development tools?...) for
> offline work. This 'mode' would have a regular full screen desktop look
> and feel with a lightweight window manager (e17, rasterman?).
> When you're done you disconnect the Neo and pack up your 'kit' in a
> small bag or case and return the Neo to your pocket or wherever you keep
> your phone.
> Sure, it wouldn't be as nice as having a separate laptop, but
> considering weight, size and price still an attractive compromise in
> some situations.
> This would take the Neo to where no phone has gone before, and show off
> the power of a 'real', desktop OS under the shell.
> Comments?
> (I don't have a Neo (waiting for the GTA02), so I can't try it. But I
> tested a fresnel lens with my Sony Ericsson P910, and I think it could
> work.)
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