Neo1973/OpenMoko as a laptop replacement

Joshua Layne joshua at
Sat Nov 17 21:09:56 CET 2007

Ted Lemon wrote:
> On Sat, 2007-11-17 at 11:19 -0800, Michael Shiloh wrote:
>> I'd like to explore adding a head mounted display to the Neo, like the
>> i-glasses PC/SVGA Head Mounted Display at about $700. Would require
>> an 
>> off-board SVGA controller, which could be prototyped with a USB SVGA 
>> controller, assuming Linux drivers can be found.
> I think when you add all the pieces together, this isn't going to be a
> cost-effective solution, and it's not going to perform well either.
> Head mounted displays need to get higher resolution before they're worth
> the money.   What's the point of having a six-foot-tall screen in your
> visual field if it's only 640x480?   And having direct access to the
> frame buffer makes a big difference in performance.
> I like the way you're thinking, though - if it were possible to get
> WUXGA glasses, that would completely solve the portable display problem.
> And I don't think it's out of the question - it's just too soon.   The
> parts you'd need to make one are only just becoming available.   But
> it's with this in mind that I mention the DVI output - you really don't
> want to plug VGA into a display like that.


meanwhile, and I am well aware that this isn't FIC/OpenMoko hardware, 
but for a portable laptop replacement, I think the upcoming Nokia N810 
is a pretty good fit.

no phone, but that's what the neo is for.

still waiting on the unification device - one handheld to rule them all.


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