Asking for a talk in Austria
Georg Michelitsch
gm_ail at
Fri Oct 12 20:58:10 CEST 2007
Wolfgang Silbermayr wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello OpenMoko people!
> I study at the University of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg, Austria
> (near Linz). I organize events for our LUG, and I would really love to
> have somebody talk about the OpenMoko project. First off, we have some
> really interesting studies that relate quite nicely to the topics that
> are interesting for OpenMoko:
> * Hardware/Software Systems Engineering
> * Mobile Computing
> * Embedded Systems Design
> * Software Engineering
> and several others, for a complete list please visit
> The conditions would be:
> * Preferably the speech would be in german, but shouldn't be a big
> problem if it is in english.
> * The speaker should have a phone with OpenMoko installed so people can
> see it in real life
> * We pay the travelling costs, although the distance should not be too
> far (about 300 to 400 kilometers is no problem *waving to the direction
> of Munich*)
> * I can't guarantee that we can pay anything else, but if you get in
> contact with me, we can talk about it so I can go begging to the
> responsible people.
> I would really love to have such a talk at our university, so please
> just contact me if you are interested.
> Greetings from Austria, Wolfgang.
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Hi Wolfgang,
When and where should this speech / LUG meeting take place? I'm
personally interested in the Neo1973 and Openmoko so if this really
happens please inform me (or send out a notification to the mailing
list). Would be great to see one myself and as its in Austria (I'm
living near Graz) this is a great opportunity to catch a glimpse of it ..
king regards, Georg
Georg Michelitsch
Sonnenstraße 12, 8071 Vasoldsberg
Österreich - Austria - Autriche
Tel.: +43-664-9417167
mailto: gm_ail at
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