Some feedback from using the neo as a phone for a day

Kero van Gelder kero at
Tue Oct 16 09:18:24 CEST 2007

> >> I noticed that too.  Maybe the panel applets process needs to run under
> >> a supervisor that will restart it?
> > 
> > Nah, they (or one of them, since I think it's one application) should
> > simply not crash.
> > 
> > Supervisors add complexity that I do not desire.
> I beg to disagree.  It's impossible to be absolutely sure it won't crash, 
> since we're open to users installing random stuff there.  And I think the 
> "complexity" of a supervisor is at least trivial.  Making sure the phone 
> never becomes partially unusable is much more important to me than the 
> tiny difference in complexity a supervisor would add.

<irony>That must be why we have supervisors for complex beasts such
as the kernel and a shell.</irony>

Looking at it another way, the matchbox thing that crashes *is* the

The current crashes should be solved. They should not be hidden.
Future crashes should not be hidden, either.

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