Exact release date of GTA01Bv4?

Al Johnson openmoko at mazikeen.demon.co.uk
Tue Oct 23 20:16:02 CEST 2007

On Tuesday 23 October 2007, Kevin Zuber wrote:
> Mark schrieb:
> > As someone who has been waiting on pins and needles for months for
> > this phone, I too am wondering why there has not been an announcement
> > of some kind, since up to now they've been saying "October" and we're
> > 3/4 of the way through the month. If it's going to be January or
> > later, that's fine (and that's probably still optimistic, considering
> > what I've been reading on the lists), but they really should keep us
> > posted. It's extremely inconsiderate to keep everybody in suspense
> > like this.
> >
> > - Wolfmane
> Yes, I think the same.

We've been told that boards are being tested, and that another revision may be 
needed. We've been told October won't happen, December is likely but things 
will depend on the results of the tests. Yesterday Michael said he was 
gathering info on this and would probably post it Friday. What more do you 

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