Two finger input methods (PyGTK demos)

Lars Hallberg lah at
Mon Sep 3 10:26:26 CEST 2007

Henryk Plötz skrev:
> Moin,
> Hmm, I just ran it on a Neo and seems to work okay. The biggest problem
> is that switching to the second set of displayed keys is awfully slow.

Yes... I believe it's the text rendering. <dreaming>Wish gtk.Label had a 
flag 'cash_rendering' and maybe a method 'pre_render' taking a win as 
argument so it usable even if the label is not attached to a top level 
window yet</dreaming>

Been looking at doing it myself. But I'm a bit of a newbie on the hole 
thing (gtk, pango, gdk). Have not really figured out how to render 
according to the gtk style at use. And I'm not sure have important speed 
is for a demo.

> Apart from that it's only missing some optimizations of the layout.
> (For example: Backspace absolutely needs to be a main key.

Backspace is important... but a main key when it is only 12 main keys? 
Figured space and drag back was intuitive.

> Nobody needs "^" as a main key.)

That key, and its 'page' is meant to be user definable, and possibly app 
dependent... so ju can put backspace there :-)

Thanks /LaH

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