Ordering freerunner directly or through a distributor?

Heikki Sørum heikkis at student.matnat.uio.no
Thu Apr 17 18:58:38 CEST 2008

Hi, as things start to heat up there has been some questions regarding
where us early adopters can get our GTAV02. 
The question is fairly simple.. Will it be possible to order GTAV02
directly from openmoko/fic? If not, when/is there a list of known

If it's sold directly through openmoko/fic, what kind of warranties on
the hardware does openmoko/fic offer?
We all know the Freerunner is a "work in progress" on the software
side, but if a showstopping hardware/ROM defect appears would
openmoko/fic be willing to offer repairs?

Sincerly, Heikki Soerum.

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