Italy User Group

Pietro "m0nt0" Montorfano monto84 at
Mon Apr 28 00:53:32 CEST 2008

Pedro Aguilar ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I've seen several large local groups in Europe, but not in Italy.
> I would like to see a large Italian local group and create a 10 pack
> Sales Group for the Freerunner.
> Anyone joining the Italian Group?
> We'd just need 9 more :)
> Regards,

?? hey look at the wiki :D we are more than 2, we can actually place 2 
10pack order, one in milan, and the other one somwhereelse, or both in 
milan (there should be someone who can phisically do this) but, welcome, 
just leave your name in the wiki, i think that a good moment to organize 
the things is when someone will say "Hey, the freerunner is in 
production stage".



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