tangospg and 2008.8 - gui not drawing

Michael Shiloh michael at openmoko.org
Thu Aug 14 01:30:47 CEST 2008

Hi Marcus,

Thanks for your great suggestions! I will do my part to translate, 
spread the word, and install on as many computers as I can.

Please continue to let us know how we can help, and keep up the great work!


Marcus Bauer wrote:
> Hey guys,
> thanks for all your interest!!! I'm currently working like crazy and
> have a huge mail backlog, so please be patient with me if I don't answer
> in a timely manner. 
> As with any open source project, well written patches that solve a bug
> are always welcome.
> Example: Pavel Machek has sent a patch that allows to input the lat/lon
> for a POI in serveral different formats in addition to the decimal. Cool
> patch, easy to integrate, perfect! [appears in the next version]
> Another example: some people sent me shell scripts for converting logs
> into KML etc.  This is great too!
> Reading and writing mails takes a lot of time and currently my time is
> best spent developing the software.
> Mailing list, public svn/git whatever will all come in due time.
> Things that can be done right now:
>       * translate - look into/google for the gettext documentation how
>         to do this
>       * spread the word, write in your blog, send me your pictures,
>         install it on any
>         linux/computer/eeePC/ubuntu/debian/gentoo/SUSE/mandriva/box you
>         can get hold of
>       * 
> On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 15:57 +0200, Petr Vanek wrote:
>> On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 14:42:42 +0300
>> "Risto H. Kurppa" <risto at kurppa.fi> (RHK)
>> wrote:
>>> I have contacted the developer (not about this though) to ask if there
>>> is a svn repo or something for the community to participate. He
>>> (Marcus Bauer) answered that there only the source codes of releases
>>> are available currently, he's been developing tango only as a local
>>> copy.
>>> To create a wider user and developer community around tangogps, I've
>>> asked him also if it was OK to start a tangogps mailing list to allow
>>> users and developers to discuss these things and submit patches to
>>> him. No answer yet, I'll let you know when he answers.
>>> And is this patch for tangogps or general gtk stuff.. To me it looks
>>> it doesn't have much to do with tango..
>> I have also emailed Marcus today with similar questions. I think having
>> chance in participation would be very nice and i would also love to
>> be included. If he replies you please let us know, then we can talk in
>> different place as it is quite off topic here.
>> cheers
>> Petr
>> --
>> Petr Vaněk
>> http://biodynamika.cz
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