[FSO] GPS-problems / tangogps in testing-feed broken

Torfinn Ingolfsen tingox at gmail.com
Fri Aug 22 23:27:58 CEST 2008


On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 8:51 PM, Benito Torres <openmoko at mv.so36.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> (I'm mailing to this list because I don't know where to post bug reports
> targetting the package-management in the fso-{testing,unstable}-feeds.
> Is trac.freesmartphone.org the right place?)
> My problem: I'm experiencing problems with GPS since an upgrade with the
> fso-testing-feed.

FWIW, I am running FSO-testing on my Neo 1973 (not the FreeRunner). I
am using an external antenna, and have verified that it is workng on
my FreeRunner (which doesn't run FSO).
Since this is a 1973, I have installed gllin[1], and dbus-monitor
shows that gps events are sent:
root at om-gta01:~# dbus-monitor --system
signal sender=org.freedesktop.DBus -> dest=:1.9
path=/org/freedesktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus;
   string ":1.9"
signal sender=:1.3 -> dest=(null destination) path=/org/gpsd;
interface=org.gpsd; member=fix
   double nan
   int32 1
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
signal sender=:1.3 -> dest=(null destination) path=/org/gpsd;
interface=org.gpsd; member=fix
   double nan
   int32 1
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan

And the output from gpsd shows that it gets a fix:
root at om-gta01:~# cat /tmp/nmeaNP | grep GPRMC

Nut neither zhone nor tangoGPS gets anything, not even time from the gps.

1) http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Gllin
Torfinn Ingolfsen

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