Switching Screenmode an Freerunner

Andreas Micklei nurgle at gmx.de
Fri Aug 22 23:48:19 CEST 2008

Russell Sears <sears at cs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> "xrandr -q" and "xrandr -s 240x320" work for me (and effectively crash 
> X, since you can't use the keyboard any more, and illume doesn't adjust 
> very well...

> Also, the touch screen doesn't seem to understand that the resolution 
> change, which makes using it pretty difficult.  Finally, display looks 
> kind of funky in 240x320 mode, almost as though it's not quite driving 
> the LCD correctly.

Thanks for the report! Looks like the foundation is there, so I will try
the xrandr commands and see if I can find out a little more.

For the LCD mode: Does anybody know if this is supposed to work
correctly and just needs fixing with a better modeline or something, or
is this is a hardware limitation which can't be fixed in software?

> I have no idea how to get it into 8 bit mode.

Would be a plus, but maybe 240x320 is already fast enough.

Andreas Micklei

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