Essay about Openmoko

Markus Schlichting m.schlichting at
Sun Aug 24 17:56:07 CEST 2008

Hi Christian,
you can find my Bachelor Thesis (which I worte last winter, so it's a little 
out of date) at

Another nice article about Openmoko written by Mickey Lauer can be found in 
this year's Opensource yearbook :

Another good  thing might be the Openmoko Episode of Chaosradio Express at

or, more recent, an Interveiw with Mickey Lauer at FrOsCon this weekend:

All resources are in germany, as i assumed by your emailadress that you're 
from germany, too.

Hope that helps you a little bit :)


Am Montag, 18. August 2008 23:18:39 schrieb Christian Weßel:
> Hello,
> I want to prepare an essay about Mobile Linux with Openmoko, Neo1973 and
> FR for our LUG.
> I want to take focus about history, philosophy and the state of the
> developing (current technic, future).
> For the history and the philosophy of OM I need some nice links where I
> can grap some informations. Who has some? Let me participate. Thanx.

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