Wiki - confusion

Vincent imnotb at
Sun Feb 3 10:34:39 CET 2008

On 03/02/2008, JW <jameswillmer at> wrote:
> Hi Openmoko community
> The wiki needs to present clear information.
> There is one area where it is pretty bad at the moment and that is in all
> the
> confusing references to neo's and GTA01s and GTA02s.
> It seems to me there is now a clear structure
> 1) Neo1973 has internal codename (GTA01xxx)
> 2) Freerunner has internal codename (GTA02xxx)
> However wiki pages are mixture of terms that doesn't make sense anymore
> because
> they have been used interchangeably over the last year.
> I changed a bit of section 1 of the FAQ page and started to look at
> tidying up
> the main pages at least to make this less confusing and I can do it the
> only
> problem is that i may break the pages/links of others....   This happens
> especially where the wiki page title needs to be changed.
> For example the Neo1973 page has loads of refs to GTA02 (which need moved
> to
> the, as yet blank Freerunner page) but it is linked to by 50 other pages
> many in
> other languages....

IIRC MediaWiki allows you to use the following as the content of a page:

#REDIRECT [[Freerunner newpage]]

So when you want to redirect "GTA02 newpage" to "Freerunner newpage", you
can use that without breaking any links.

Should i just go ahead and change the core structure to being correct and
> the
> rest will follow?    Is there someone overlooking wiki structure?
> JW

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