I dont know why I was surprised
Jeremiah Flerchinger
jeremiah.flerchinger at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 02:15:55 CET 2008
Michael Shiloh wrote:
> Dear Christopher and the rest of the community.
> Thanks for your appreciation. Those of you who have been on this list
> for a long time will remember that this came up a number of times. It
> was only recently that we were finally able to come to some kind of a
> conclusion and release the CAD files.
> While we are committed to applying open source principles to as much
> of our process and information as possible, deciding what should be
> made public and what needs to be kept within the company is an ongoing
> experiment. We are in uncharted territory here and we're not sure
> where each step leads.
> Since you all are part of this experiment, we are extremely interested
> in knowing what you will do with these files. Alternative appearances?
> Different colors, textures, shapes? Customizing to particular
> applications? Expansion? Designing the hardware into other items?
Things I would like to do with CAD files & case after getting Neo
- I don't care about color, as long as I can get black and/or silver
- Elongate case to allow for removable expansion modules
- experiment with I2C
- try to get/help build easily removable/reversible camera module (I
can't have a camera at work)
- play with an AVC-LAN & OBD2 CAN module
- look into VGA out expansion module that allows for composite sync
- Try to trim down the size of the casing if it doesn't fit well in my
I would be interested in making a case to meet my personal wishes and
share it with others. If FIC had a black case that provided for
expansion modules I would save myself the work & get it from them.
> Help us understand the outcome of this experiment by continuing to
> provide us with feedback. I read all of your comments, and I do bring
> them back to the company.
> Sincerely,
> Michael
> Christopher Earl wrote:
>> www.openmoko.com
>> Today I noticed a change that OM has released their CAD files for the
>> case of the GTA01, This opens a major door to Case modding. I guess
>> im used to closed hardware and tight-liped companies, but i was
>> supprised. I will never again own a closed phone.
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