Wiki - New Page - OpenMoko Community Applications

Marcus Bauer marcus.bauer at
Thu Feb 7 08:31:54 CET 2008

On Wed, 2008-02-06 at 16:48 -0700, Shawn Rutledge wrote:
> And BTW this method would not work for finding TangoGPS, because the
> ipkg is on its own separate site.  (Why?  it must mean it's too hard
> to get a new ipkg into the regular repository, right?) 

I haven't yet asked  anybody to get tangoGPS into the offical repository
- I first want to collect user expericene feedback.

However: I like Ubuntu's idea with Universe / Multiverse. The first
being the official set of apps maintained or endorsed by Openmoko and
the second one being a wider collection of software.

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